Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Graduation......one year later

It has been one year since I graduated and thingd have changed.

First off, I took a low paying job in news to get the experience, however, I got nowhere.

Do not get me wrong, I enjoyed meeting new people and learning the ropes but there was no advancement anywhere. So, I started to search for new entry level jobs but they all needed a DVD.

So, I want looking for someone to do it. The price range went from $500-2,000! How in the hell could I afford that with a low paying job? I started to get depressed; feeling hopeless and worthless.

Then one day, a camera guy I worked with from Lafayette told me about jobs out there. He told me that took rookies and to make my own DVD.

So, Jay and I took his camera and a mircophone and started to get to work. I took my anchor read, did some voice overs and live shots and made it work.

In the end, all I ask for is some prayers and good thoughts for a chance at a job of my dreams.