Wednesday, August 10, 2011

School is out forever!

I know, I's been a minute since I have posted on this thing but life has its way of making itself a living hell.

First, my last two semesters of college were insanity. Learning a new language, about new countries and writing news reports took over my life everyday. Deadlines and quizzes became a daily norm.

Then graduation came and the pressure was lifted.......for a while.

Life after college has been good to me so far. I have been to Chicago and the Gulf coast for vacations and enjoyed every bit. However, the pressures of the real world crept in and I began to worry.

Job searching, student loan repayments and possible relocation started to become a part of my constant thought process. Where to go? What pay is good? Will I be able to pay off my loans in a few years? You know, things most post college grads think about.

Do not get me wrong, I want to have a successful life but I want it at home. I know that is cheeky but I feel NOLA is a great place to live and raise a family. I know there are better cities out there and a new city's culture would be an eye opener but there is something about NOLA I cannot get out of my heart. My family is here. Most of my friends are here. The city is rebuilding...well slowly and I want to be a part of it.

Then there is my mom. We have not be separated ever and this would be new for both of us. Well, I can not lie, I would miss my mommy if I went away but I know she wants the best for me.

As for myself and Jay, we are doing great. We have discussed the "M" word and have decided that though its good, it is time for us to work hard then get married. He has been supportive through all of my tribulations and is working hard to keep me happy.

So until next time, see ya lata!


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