Sunday, January 3, 2010

The following entry is for mature readers only. If you are a tightass, easily offended or your feelings get hurt alot, please dont read this. However, if you decide to read it and you get mad, I got a few words for you: Fuck off and die.
Now that we have gotten that out of the way, lets begin shall we.
I came into this world in a military materity ward in New Orleans born to an officer but not a gentleman and a wandering soul looking for a place to have peace in their heart.
As I grew up, my life was a rollercoster ride. I grew up not trusting anyone and learned that everyone out there are only out there just to hurt you...
So understand to writer, you have to understand the inside of the writer. The writer's heart is what makes the writer write the way that they do.
Without further ado, I am............
A father deserted child
Abused mentally, physically and emotionally
A gifted soul with a tortured heart
A body with hidden bruises
Teased by peers
Pressured by educators
A wild writer who needed to be tamed
I began to write my feelings out to express the real me
The words I wrote made readers' hair stand up on the back of their necks
I came out like a gay person finally free to show their true colors
Whatever I said, what I did showed the world who I was
But I don't trust the world
The world loved the words but not the writer
So back into my shell I go
I was told to see someone about my "problems"
My "problem" was bi-polar
If you break those words into two, the mean "twice cold"
Thats how I feel
My heart and soul are twice as cold
I feel no one will understand the essence with is me
I have become the box no one wants to open
The person that everyone sees as a category
Daugther, ghost writer, muse, friend that always listens, the fat friend, the cook, the time filler, rebound girl, the ugly ducking in a lake of swans
Well let me tell you something, theres more in that box
I am country military brat
A project hood rat thats been shot and carries the scar to reminds that I should watch my back at all times
A writer with a sharp mind and tongue
A person with many opinions and I dont give a fuck if you dont like it
Thats right, I said fuck
I am a Army daughter with a mouth like sailor
I smoke, I drink
I am the one who go on a date with you with and become the life of the party.......anywhere
I wear black cause its sexy
And I think garter belts and four inch heels turn you on
I'm a PCC girl and a Southern belle with a Scarlette like attitude when I feel like
Yes I am fat, Fabolous and Thick and I like it that way
My selfesteem may not always be there but look out
When it gets here, you may not be strong enough to handle it
I'm new kind of pin up girl
My body says fuck me and my eyes dare you to try
My legs are yours to wrap around
My lips are yours to do whatever........and I mean whatever you want
I am the fantasy masseuse with oil in hand
Ready to rub out every desire you can ever think of
I am the the one that every moan and groan is dedicated to
For those who dont believe I am all of those
I only have one thing to say: Come try me
I promise I'll be all that and more
And that ladies and gentlemen is what goes on in a writer's mind

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